Organic Chemistry

With its seven faculty members and research laboratories, Department of Organic Chemistry, has provided various favorable conditions for conducting basic and applied researches. The existence of a NMR analyzer for identifying organic compounds is one of the most important capabilities of the Faculty of Chemistry and Department of Organic Chemistry. Also, the Organic Chemistry Laboratory with experts and well-qualified facilities to provide Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Isolation and Identification Laboratory for Organic Compounds and Organic Chemistry Laboratory courses. The faculty members of the Organic Chemistry Department have published more than 70 indexed articles in reputable journals around the world and is among the most active research groups in University of Kashan. More than 139 MSc students and 26 PhD students are graduated from this department.

Graduates of Department of Organic Chemistry, gaining experience in modern and advanced methods of synthesis, isolation, purification and identification of organic compounds, as well as high scientific capability, are able to attend educational and university centers, also conducting research and providing service in various fields of pharmaceutical, food, petrochemical, petroleum and polymer industries. Also, due to the applicability of organic chemistry majors in various scientific fields, graduates of this major will be able to be the source of influence in entrepreneurship and contribute to improve the economic situation of the society.

Organic chemistry is a chemistry subdiscipline involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds and organic materials, i.e., matter in its various forms that contain carbon atoms. Study of structure includes many physical and chemical methods to determine the chemical composition and the chemical constitution of organic compounds and materials. Study of properties includes both physical properties and chemical properties, and uses similar methods as well as methods to evaluate chemical reactivity, with the aim to understand the behavior of the organic matter in its pure form (when possible), but also in solutions, mixtures, and fabricated forms. The study of organic reactions includes probing their scope through use in preparation of target compounds (e.g., natural products, drugs, polymers, etc.) by chemical synthesis, as well as the focused study of the reactivities of individual organic molecules, both in the laboratory and via theoretical (in silico) study.

The range of chemicals studied in organic chemistry include hydrocarbons (compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen), as well as myriad compositions based always on carbon, but also containing other elements, especially oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus (these, included in many organic chemicals in biology) and the radiostable elements of the halogens.