
In 2008, University of Kashan launched the Cellular and Molecular Biology Department and started to admit students for the first time in this major in 2009. In addition to hiring professors specialized in this field, numerous educational laboratories including plant biology, animal biology, plant physiology, cell biology, biochemistry, genetics and microbiology laboratories have been launched and exploited. This department expounded its research activities with the admission of graduate students in biochemistry.

Currently, the faculty members of the department are providing specialized educational and research services in biochemistry, biophysics, molecular genetics, microbiology, systematic herbal and plant physiology in various fields. Major activities carried out or ongoing by the members of the department are in various fields of biotechnology (molecular, herbal, microbial, environmental, industrial and nanobiotechnology), biosensor design, biomolecule stabilization, plant systematic, herbal medicine and genetics and molecular modification of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, MS, etc.

The training of committed and expert graduates with the skills required to work in educational, research, production, and service centers are among the goals of this department. The ability to work in various fields such as recognition and manipulation of metabolic pathways, production of antibiotics, drug and gene therapy, food and agriculture industries, genetics and livestock breeding and also the recognition of the main methods in genetic engineering, manipulation and gene transfer to various cells, protein engineering, etc., are among the characteristics of these graduates.

Some of the research projects carried out or ongoing by faculty members of the department are as follows:

  • Synthesis of Biodegradable Polylactic - Polyglycolic Acid Polymer Containing Vitamin
  • Investigation of decomposition of biodegradable Polylactic-Polyglycolic Acid Polymer and its vitamin release in physiological conditions
  • Easy identification of fake rose-water without the use of special laboratory equipment